
Exercise Programs


Our Physiotherapists deliver a variety of exercise programs to complement treatment services, including:

The GLA:D® Program: Good Life with OsteoArthritis Denmark):

Education and exercise program that can be applied to everyday activities, ensuring participants develop skills to self-manage their osteoarthritis. By strengthening and improving confidence with exercise, participants develop better capacity to become or stay active, prevent symptom progression and reduce pain.

Strength for Life™:

Formerly known as Living Longer Living Stronger, is an evidence based progressive strength training and exercise program designed specifically for the over 50’s operating in Western Australia since 2004.  There are nearly 4,000 participants in over 50 providers throughout Western Australia. Progressive strength training has been shown to have a huge impact on wellbeing and quality of life. We provide safe, fun and personalised sessions in approved facilities. Delivered by our Physiotherapists, Strength for Life is a low cost, evidence-based progressive strength and balance exercise program, helping to improve:

  • Balance
  • Cardiovascular fitness
  • Stride length
  • Muscle strength
  • Wellbeing

Health fund rebates may apply and tailored exercise plans will help manage chronic conditions.

Pilates-informed Physio Sessions:

These Physio sessions are a mixture of clinically appropriate exercises, which may include exercises delivered on Pilates equipment or exercises drawn from Pilates that target particular needs. The sessions improve aspects such as strength, flexibility, coordination and posture with a strong focus on training your postural and stability muscles, making it ideal for those recovering from injuries and perfect for those looking for fitness and muscle toning.

You will learn to gain control of your body so that you understand ‘how’ to move. In this way, the physical gains you make will become functional, meaning that your day to day activities become easier and more efficient.

Following an initial assessment by our Physiotherapist, to identify if there are any issues with muscle activation, the Physiotherapist can help teach you how to correctly activate your pelvic floor. The sessions include specialised exercises for you to practice at home. Physios deliver these session within an evidenced-based and therapeutic framework, rather than purely for fitness. Health insurance rebates may apply.

Bounce Back:

The Bounce Back Spinal Stability Program is a specialised treatment protocol designed to improve your core strength and control. The program was developed by Trish Wisbey-Roth and a team of physiotherapists. The exercises taught are very specific and based on the latest research into motor relearning and spinal stabilising muscle function. The exercise oriented program is supported by science and designed for anyone wanting to improve their core strength and control with exercises built to suit all levels of ability and fitness, from clients with significant spinal pain to post-surgical patients, to the elite athlete.

Postnatal Fitness:

Our Pelvic Health Physiotherapist delivers a comprehensive program for women who have recently had their baby (8 weeks +) and would like to commence exercise in a safe, motivating, fun and easily accessible environment. Please see information under Postnatal Fitness tab for further information